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Foggy Forest


Current Name: Brackenfire

Former Names: Bracken, Brackenpaw

Gender: Cis Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Current Affiliation: ShadowClan

Past Affiliation(s): Outsider

Rank: Warrior

Past Ranks: Loner, Apprentice

Personality:+ Brave, intelligent, loyal

= Fierce, stubborn, passionate

- Hotheaded, outspoken, holds grudges


Allegiance Description: Brown she-cat with a white forepaw and yellow eyes

Eye Color: Yellow

Fur Base Color: Brown

Markings: Pale tabby markings

Body Type: Muscular, medium height

Scars/Deformities: Torn ears, scarred back, and a thick scar across her shoulder

Birthmark(s): Darker patch on the pad of her only white paw

Backstory: Brackenfire was born to a loner, with a brother and a sister. Her sister was stillborn and her mother, being sick when the kits were born, died when Bracken was 2 moons old. Bracken and her brother then lived off of slugs and beetles for a while, then were found by a farmer, taken to a ranch, and lived there as barn cats until Bracken heard of the Clans. She and her brother left to find the Clans, but they had to cross a Thunderpath. Her brother was killed on the Thunderpath, hit by a monster. So Bracken continued on alone. She joined ShadowClan and started her training. She had a long line of mentors, 5 in all before finally finishing her apprenticeship with Redshrike overseeing her training. She joined Dawnstar's family and is now a warrior of ShadowClan


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